Lutheran Living Senior Campus

(563) 263-1241

Prioritizing Your Health, Safety, and Wellbeing


As it is our priority is to safeguard the health and wellness of everyone who lives in, visits, and works at our community, the general infection prevention best practices we have implemented reduce the spread of respiratory illnesses like Coronavirus (COVID-19), influenza (flu) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).


Our Infection Prevention Best Practices

Our infection prevention best practices follow infection prevention guidance from state and federal health officials—including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)— to prevent the spread of illness. These best practices include:

• Monitoring residents and team members for communicable illnesses when symptoms appear.
• Offering COVID-19, flu, and RSV testing to residents and team members.
• Utilizing PPE according to recommendations of the CDC.
• Cleaning and disinfecting using EPA-approved products that are effective against the most common bacteria and viruses.


Our infection prevention best practices also guide our community members in practicing general infection prevention tactics. To help keep everyone safe and healthy, our residents, team members, partners, and families are encouraged to:

  • Get vaccinated against COVID-19, flu, and RSV.
  • Eat healthy and stay hydrated.
  • Get plenty of sleep and exercise.
  • Stay home when sick.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue—not your hands.
  • Wear a well-fitting face mask whenever there’s a higher risk of respiratory illness transmission.
  • Regularly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are unavailable, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Disinfect frequently touched services, such as doorknobs and mobile devices.
    Please direct any immediate questions about our infection prevention best practices to any member of our team: 563-263-1241.


For the latest information about COVID-19, we encourage you to use the following resources:


NOTE TO MEDIA PERSONNEL: Send inquiries to

Lutheran Living Receives Award

We’re excited to share that Lutheran Living has received Telligen’s Blue Ribbon in COVID-19 Vigilance Award and has been added to Telligen’s Iowa 2023 Blue Ribbon in COVID-19 Vigilance Recognition List!

Awardees earned a team up-to-date vaccination rate of at least 15%, resident up-to-date vaccination rate of at least 70%, and have a proven commitment to policies, processes and ongoing team education to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

We are deeply appreciative to our residents and team members for staying committed to our COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Response Action Plan. Because of their efforts, our community has helped prevent further spread of the virus throughout our great state of Iowa.

Lutheran Living Receives the Telligen’s Blue Ribbon